
PyCharm and Virtualenv: Package Management Basics

           Associated YouTube video
PyCharm is a great IDE for Python that works across Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms.
The newer PyCharm releases embrace the use ofbuilt-in virtual environments to isolate the project code dependency on third-party packages from the system python library packages.
Packages are the entities that you refer to when you have import statements in your code.

    i.e. import requests 
     or  from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

There are 212 built-in standard packages that are installed with python and over 150 thousand third-party packages available from PyPi.org and installed with the pip install package-name command
You can learn all about the pip package manager command at pip users guide
When you start doing more serious python development, the isolation of packages between projects will become more important since individual packages evolve though versions and depend on other packages in complex relationships.
A package being updated to a new version can break other packages or even project code that you already have.
The creators of PyCharm (JetBrains) have now made virtual environments kind of the 'default' for new projects.

System Python version:

Base or System Interpreter in PyCharm dialogs refer to python interpreter version that you installed that you what to use for your project. Some systems come with a python interpreter such as Mac, and Linux. Windows does not start with an interpreter. 
Any installed python versions consist of the executable for the interpreter, a package library, and other tools and resources. We will be dealing with the interpreter and its associated package when talking about virtual environments.
You can add different versions of the python interpreter and have more than one available on your system. This might be important if you what to write code that works across a range of python versions from the old 2.7 to the newest version 3.7 as of this writing.
For PyCharm, you should be a bit familiar the two parts of the python environment that you will be controlling with the virtual environment: 1. The version of python, and 2. the associated packages
PlatformPaths to Interpreter and Packages
Mac (10.13)Interpreter: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/python3.7
       and      /usr/local/bin/python3.7 -- symlinked to above path
Packages:  /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/lib
Win 10Interpreter: C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe
Packages:  C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\
LinuxInterpreter: /usr/bin/python3.7
Packages:  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages

Virtual Environments (venv):

Since python 3.3, venv virtual environments have been part of the standard CPython distribution. You can create and manage your virtual environments from the command line with the python tools. (see python.org tutorial on venv) PyCharm will create and manage your virtual environment folders though a few dialogs.
A venv is a folder that holds information that points to the base system interpreter, tools, and resources and a folder which allows isolation of versions of packages from packages in the system packages folder.
By default, PyCharm will create a new project with a venv folder in your project folder that contains a copy of the packages from the system python version used.
Here is a picture of the New Project Dialog Box with the Project Interpreter drop down showing: (Note, the base interpreter is usually the last on you have set)
New Project Dialog
If you want a new base interpreter, this next dialog shows that PyCharm will try to show you all the installed versions of python to choose from. If you picked a custom location and it does not show in the dropdown, you can click the ... button and browse for the python version.
Default Project Dialog with Interpreter choices
Once you have created the default project without choosing any options, you should get the following setup:
  1. Your choice of project python version
  2. A venv folder at the top level of your project folder
  3. All python code in you project will search the venv folder from you project folder when doing imports of third-party packages
  4. There will be no connection to the python packages from your project. If you need any new python packages for your code, you will need to go to the PyCharm settings or preferences menu and choose Project Interpreter:
Project: Project Interpreter       Notes: the packages you see are automatically populated into your virtual environment.
       You are now free to use the + button at bottom to search and install any package, or update.
Here is a diagram showing this setup: (Note the arrow is showing the venv base interpreter pointing to the system level interpreter.)
Default package relationships

Using Inherit global site-packages

If you commonly use a standard set of third-party packages in your projects, you can create a project with the "Inherit global site-packages" turned on as shown:
Project Inherits Global Packages
If you choose the Inherit global site-packages, your project will have the following features:
  1. Your choice of project python version
  2. A venv folder at the top level of your project folder
  3. All python code in you project will search the venv folder from you project folder when doing imports of third-party packages, and if it did not find the package in your project venv, then it will look for it in the base Interpreter package library (a.k.a. global site-packages.)
  4. Any new packages you install or modify from preferences > Project: Project Interpreter will 'shadow' the same package if it is in the installed system library, meaning your code will use the one you installed or modified in your project venv. If you remove the package from your venv area with the minus (-) button, then your project will again find the system package.
Here is a diagram showing this relationship after some changes to the venv packages (in red):
Inherit globals relationship after changes to venv

The Take Away:

  1. Usually, just let PyCharm default to create a venv that is not dependent on the system package library, then just add or change packages as needed for that project.
  2. In the case you want to 'share' your global packages, so you don't have to setup up every project's packages, then use the 'inherit global site-packages' option
  3. PyCharm can manage all your packages nicely from within the IDE dialogs.
Final Note, the terminal pane in PyCharm will open with the venv for the project already activated for you.

For more information see the PyCharm References at the JetBrains Site:


Python 3.3+ Immutable Binary Search Tree (unbalanced) < 25 Lines of Code

I was Thinking of uses for the yield from statement (available since Python 3.3), and I thought of doing a in-order recursive traversal of a binary search tree.

While on the way I wrote a less than 25 line immutable binary search tree implementation that is function based and though it would be good to share it with you.

Immutable here means that any other thread or co routine that has the tree, can reference it without it changing.

Since insertion create a new tree that shared all unchanged parts of the original tree. The tree is a recursive structure of nodes that contain other nodes. Each node can have a sub tree under it.

Calls for inserting a new value or searching The code works as as follows:
tree = None -- before you start with any values
set your variable for the tree to None
(you could call it mytree or
anything other than tree)
tree = insert(tree, value) -- call insert with your tree variable and
it will return a new tree value.
if contains(tree, value):
-- call contains to check if value is in tree
in_order(tree) --returns a generator to sequence
through all values in sorted order
for value in in_order(tree):
print(list(in_order(tree))  -- convert generator to list to print

Here is the complete code from my gist site:
# bst.py immutable Binary search tree (not balanced)
# using 'yield from' new in python 3.3
# start with tree = None
# nodes are a list of [value, left_tree, right_tree]
# every node is a subtree, so tree argument is a tree or subtree
def insert(tree, value):
""" creates tree if tree is None, returns new tree"""
if not tree:
return (value, None, None) # top of tree
if value < tree[0]:
return (tree[0], insert(tree[1], value), tree[2]) # add to left
return (tree[0], tree[1], insert(tree[2], value)) # add to right
def contains(tree, value):
"""tree is existing tree or node(subtree)"""
if not tree:
return False
if value == tree[0]: # found it
return True
if value < tree[0]: # desend lookiing down left or right
return contains(tree[1], value)
return contains(tree[2], value)
def in_order(tree):
"""generate inorder sequence: tree is existing tree or node(subtree)"""
yield from in_order(tree[1])
yield tree[0]
yield from in_order(tree[2])
def test():
items = ( 1, 5, 7, 2, 4, 9, 3, 12, 6, -4, 11, 22, 100, 4, 2)
t = None
for x in items: # build tree
t = insert(t, x)
assert(list(in_order(t)) == sorted(items)) # print in order
assert(contains(t, 4) == True)
assert(contains(t, 8) == False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('testing done')
view raw bst.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Enjoy! If you have any ideas for future blogs or videos or want to contact me, go to contact form


Drawing SVG paths in Python (expanding svg beyond web design) for PyGame, Tkinter, & Turtle


Python has always had a rich GUI and graphics options. Some of them built-in such as Tkinter and Turtle Graphics, and also other modules like PyGame, PyOpenGL, Matplotlib.

The Web which started off with fairly primitive graphics ability with animated gifs, images, and java applets, but now has dynamic JavaScript, CSS, and especially Scaled Vector Graphics (SVG).

SVG Paths are particularly great for defining curving paths that combine lines, ellipses, cubic and quadratic Biezer curves.

I will show you a package for python that will allow you to draw paths in PyGame, TKinter, and with Turtle Graphics:

The all use the svg.path package that can be installed with pip install svg.path or pip3 install svg.path. (See svg.path · PyPI )

This library allows you to draw paths with lines, cubic and quadratic beizer curves, and ellipses. It will create a path by a series of method calls, or by using a path string as specified for the SVG d attribute for CSS: (see Mozilla SVG curves tutorial)

Quadratic Path:
Cubic Path:
Ellipse (Arc) Path:
To use the svg.path package for drawing d attribute path strings:

from svg.path import Path, Line, Arc, CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, parse_path
d = "M100,200 C100,100 250,100 250,200 S400,300 400,200"
p = parse_path(d)

The code above would define a path object named x that would represent the path defined by the string in d. This path defines a move to 100,200 and then two cubic curves:

Red Curve Shows Path
Now that we have a path object:


we can call the point method to get a x,y position on the path expressed as a python complex number for a percent distance along the path expressed as a fraction from 0.0 to 1.0.

p x.point(0.5)

would return the point half way along path: (250+200j)

p2 = (p.real, p.imag) would convert the complex number to a tuple (250, 200) representing the x and y values referenced by p2.

Now complete code to render path to PyGame Window (associated video):

from __future__ import division # we need floating division
from svg.path import Path, Line, Arc, CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, parse_path
import pygame
""" demo of using a great python module svg.path by Lennart Regebro
see site: https://pypi.org/project/svg.path/
to draw svg in pygame
from svg.path import Path, Line, Arc, CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, parse_path
svgpath = """m 76,232.24998 c 81.57846,-49.53502 158.19366,-20.30271 216,27 61.26714,
59.36905 79.86223,123.38417 9,156
-80.84947,31.72743 -125.19991,-53.11474 -118,-91 v 0 """
path = parse_path(svgpath)
# svg.path point method returns a complex number p, p.real and p.imag can pull the x, and y
# # on 0.0 to 1.0 along path, represent percent of distance along path
n = 100 # number of line segments to draw
# pts = []
# for i in range(0,n+1):
# f = i/n # will go from 0.0 to 1.0
# complex_point = path.point(f) # path.point(t) returns point at 0.0 <= f <= 1.0
# pts.append((complex_point.real, complex_point.imag))
# list comprehension version or loop above
pts = [ (p.real,p.imag) for p in (path.point(i/n) for i in range(0, n+1))]
pygame.init() # init pygame
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((700,600)) # get surface to draw on
surface.fill(pygame.Color('white')) # set background to white
pygame.draw.aalines( surface,pygame.Color('blue'), False, pts) # False is no closing
pygame.display.update() # copy surface to display
while True: # loop to wait till window close
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

Now code for tkinter window:

# This examples runs only in python 3.+ versions since Tkinter was changed
from svg.path import Path, Line, Arc, CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, parse_path
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, Frame, BOTH
""" demo of using a great python module svg.path by
Lennart Regebro see site: https://pypi.org/project/svg.path/
to draw svg in Tkinter
from svg.path import Path, Line, Arc, CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, parse_path
svgpath = """m 76,232.24998 c 81.57846,-49.53502 158.19366,-20.30271
216,27 61.26714,59.36905 79.86223,123.38417 9,156
-80.84947,31.72743 -125.19991,-53.11474 -118,-91 v 0 """
path = parse_path(svgpath)
# svg.path point method returns a complex number p, p.real and p.imag can pull the x, and y
# # on 0.0 to 1.0 along path, represent percent of distance along path
n = 100 # number of line segments to draw
# pts = []
# for i in range(0,n+1):
# f = i/n # will go from 0.0 to 1.0
# complex_point = path.point(f) # point(x) is method on svg.path to return point x * 100 percent along path
# pts.append((complex_point.real, complex_point.imag))
pts = [ (p.real,p.imag) for p in (path.point(i/n) for i in range(0, n+1))] # list comprehension version or loop above
class SVGcurve(Frame):
def __init__(self, pts):
self.pts = pts
def initUI(self):
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
canvas = Canvas(self)
x0, y0 = self.pts[0]
for x1, y1 in self.pts[1:]:
canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1)
x0, y0 = x1, y1
canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
root = Tk()
ex = SVGcurve(pts) # convert i_pts to (x,y) tuple list

Now code for turtle graphics window (note in turtle graphics curve is flipped vertically since the y axis is positive in the upper direction:

from __future__ import division # for running in 2.7+ python
from svg.path import Path, Line, Arc, CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, parse_path
import turtle
""" demo of using a great python module svg.path by Lennart Regebro see site: https://pypi.org/project/svg.path/
to draw svg in Tkinter
svgpath = """m 76,232.24998 c 81.57846,-49.53502 158.19366,-20.30271 216,27 61.26714,59.36905 79.86223,123.38417 9,156
-80.84947,31.72743 -125.19991,-53.11474 -118,-91 v 0 """
path = parse_path(svgpath)
# svg.path point method returns a complex number p, p.real and p.imag can pull the x, and y
# # on 0.0 to 1.0 along path, represent percent of distance along path
n = 100 # number of line segments to draw
# pts = []
# for i in range(0,n+1):
# f = i/n # will go from 0.0 to 1.0
# complex_point = path.point(f) # point(x) is method on svg.path to return point x * 100 percent along path
# pts.append((complex_point.real, complex_point.imag))
pts = [ (p.real,p.imag) for p in (path.point(i/n) for i in range(0, n+1))] # list comprehension version or loop above
t = turtle.Turtle()
s = turtle.Screen()
for x,y in pts[1:]:

-- Professor Gerry Jenkins